
A Life Insight

Getting rid from the recent busy life, I am feeling my brain in a rare occasion of tranquility. Being able to comprehend many discipline aspects of knowledge, I suddenly sensed an insight in my heart: standing on the nature of all things, allow me to cite an allusion from the Diamond Sutra, "vanish selfish phase, celebrity phase, fashionable phase, and authority phase", while going beyond the frameworks built from many knowledges of disciplines in the real world society. As only standing on the root to looking at reality, at this moment all of these frameworks just disappeared! The reality looks also broader!

The barriers of knowledges created distances between people to people. Stick on the facts to discuss affairs based on affairs. Realistically target to solve the real life problems, and break the barriers of knowledges, to "solve my suffering, celebrity's suffering, and fashionable's suffering, and authority's suffering"; however, there is a frustrating paradox existing. In our current civilization, the interpersonal communication rely on texts. While texts becoming a representation, this representation appeared as a kind of knowledge; More importantly, we need to keep reminding ourselves to stick on the root and use wisdom to solve problems!¶